Friday, August 11, 2006

August 11, 2006
Leaving DC

Yesterday terrorists were arrested in Britain and I am now sitting at the DC airport. Security is tight! There are no empty seats where I am sitting. I just went through a weird new security machine that you step into and it blows air at you in different little pockets. I wonder if that is what it was like when Scotty was beamed up.

I returned to Baltimore from NC last night after a wonderful visit with our son and his family settling into their new home and a then brief visit with my sister who lives in a nearby town.

I ate dinner with Luke and his mommy and her parents. Then I went to the hospital and stayed for the night. As I held Little Sebastian this morning, I knew I was holding a miracle. The feelings that transpired between us are indescribable. How does a grandmother express the love she has for her grandchildren?

How do I express the love I have for Sebastian? His hands are in splints much of the time now, but his hands were free this morning so his little fingers wrapped around my pointer finger. He was receiving mommy’s milk through a tube that leads down his throat into his tummy. His eyes were opened much of the time and we just gazed into each other’s eyes.

I knew the time was coming when I must leave and drive to DC and meet Rob so he could take me to the airport to catch my flight. I softly stroked Little One’s blonde hair and spoke gentle grandma things to him.

The tears were difficult to hold back……..they still are as I sit in this crowded, security filled airport….

I hugged Sebastian’s daddy goodbye and got out of his car….. my body has entered another world, the world most of you have been in….

Yesterday we received word Sebastian will be moved to a step down unit at another hospital. The hope is he will no longer require NICU by next week. Decisions must be made about what is best for him.

Please continue to praise our Lord for all he has done and continues to do, as well as praying for His continued protections and wisdom as decisions are made…

I have not been home in almost six weeks and even then for only a few days…I have been in DC or Baltimore most of the time since before Easter. My three year old grandson at home called me three times yesterday to tell me it is only one more day! Today is my Dad’s 88th birthday………

The verse our loving and merciful God gave me way back on March 9 to be my hope through all of this…..

They cried to You and were saved; in You they trusted and were not disappointed


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