Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Taylor left the hospital yesterday and they spent one night at one location and now have another place nearby through Aug 9, then another starting after that. Thank you for your prayers regarding their housing.

Little Sebastian is not stable.

But our hope and our prayers are strong and our God is omnipotent.

Rob talked with a doc today and it seems that if Sebastian lives this will be a very long stay at NICU…maybe months. So, we can do months, right? If Sebastian can fight, we can too! If God wants it, He will supply what is needed.

Please pray Sebastian will become stable and that his vitals and gas remain good….please pray for healthy heart and lungs…that no damage will be done to them. Please pray for no more complications, no more pneumothorax or heart problems, pray the infection and jaundice will clear up. Please pray for all aspects of his health to become excellent.

Pray God’s angels of protection will continually minister to Sebastian giving him all he needs and keeping from him that which might harm him. Please pray Satan will be kept from him.

Please continue to pray for Rob and Taylor.

Mostly thank this God of ours Who has in His mercy and love brought this little miracle baby so many days into this world, when no man believed it could happen. Praise Him for the many who have prayed so faithfully for this little precious and much loved gift from the Lord.

By the way I don’t think I told you, but the doc who was to take Little One months ago when all this started, the one who did not offer any hope, he is the one who God had on call and who delivered Little One!

I am not sure when I will post next because we will be staying with them starting tomorrow and I am not sure if there is wireless there.


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