Tuesday, July 25, 2006

910pm text message from Rob tonite 7/25/06

“Major prayer for tonight is that there are no more pneumothorax and that the doctors are able to lower the pressure on Sebatian’s ventilator while maintaining “good gases” something they check every hour or two.”

All of this is extremely important and a fine balance is critical. The oxygen level he is receiving is now at 90% and needs to be around 35%

Please also praise our loving Father for His continuing mercy and love and all He in His omnipotence is doing for dear little Sebastian.

When I saw him today, the emotions are overwhelming to see our tiny little grandson with so many tubes yet fighting so hard. Again I sang Jesus loves you,……Little Ones to him belong, they are weak but He is strong……

…..reminding dear sweet Sebastian that he has been Little One since his conception and that he needs to rest because he is weak, but God is strong………..

added at 10:32pm DC time
Rob and Taylor did not lightly choose Little One's name...you may be like me and not know the story of the early Christian martyr, Sebastian
Saints: Saint Sebastian
Saint Sebastian is represented in many paintings. He was an early Christian martyr who became popular in the Medieval and Renaissance periods. Saint Sebastian served as a soldier in the Roman army, but he was discovered to be a Christian and so was sentenced to death by the emperor Diocletian. He was to be shot by his own archers. He survived the arrows, which miraculously failed to pierce any vital organ, and the arrow became his identifying attribute.


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