Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Text message just received from Rob 530AM:

"Sebastian had a pnuemothorax overnight that caused his vital signs to drop to a worrisome level. They are back up at this point but they seem extremely concerned about this issue. The pneumothorax was roughly 40 ccs in size. He was down to needing 70 percent oxygen and is now up to 100 percent. The 70 number is much more preferred. Ideal would be less than 35. "

As I slept with little Luke last night in his Mommy’s and Daddy’s bed last night, off and on all night, he cried but without tears and not awake. His face would grimace and he would cry out…a cry unlike any I have seen him ever have. I would kiss his little face and talk softly to him until the crying stopped, but it would happen over and over.

Please continue your ardent prayers to our omnipotent and merciful Lord.


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