Wednesday, July 26, 2006

If you have not read last nights post, please do....

605AM text from Rob

“Sebastian had a good gas this morning. They brought oxygen down to 80% overnight and there were no more pneumothorax. His billirubin is up so they have him on more lights to help get under control. The phrase for the night was “Good eventful” he is still not stable. Pray for no more pneumothorax, that he keeps having good gases, and his vitals stay where they are.”

Our Lord has been so faithful and so merciful to us……your prayers and concern have been so deeply moving….there are no words…

Little Luke still sleeps in the big bed in our hotel room down the road from his little brother he has not yet met. But when he saw Sebastian’s pic the first time, even with tubes and tape and all….little Luke’s face broke into a grin.

Children are a gift from the Lord…Babies are His reward………

We cherish each moment……………..


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