Sunday, July 16, 2006

Luke and I went to church this morning and sang “Amazing Grace.” Then we packed up a bunch of things and drove to Baltimore where we spent the day. We have returned and he has just had his bath and gone to bed, hopefully for a bit. He will likely wake up within an hour or so and come into bed with me. Although he wiggles, it is nice to have him nearby.

Rob and Taylor seem as well as can be expected. As long as there is no more bleeding, it seems the docs will let them wait. So they will remain in the hospital until delivery which could come at anytime.

After Luke played with toys in the room for a while and entertained his Mommy, he, Rob, and I went down to the inner harbor and ate some chicken fast food and walked over to Best Buy so he could buy a small refrigerator for her room. Rob has gotten a hotel room nearby so he can go there during the day to work.

It is now about 9PM Sunday night. It seems so odd not to have Taylor down the hall, not to have meals to prepare, laundry to do, snacks to bring her, errands to run, so odd not to have Rob downstairs working or busy doing something.

For this moment things are a strange quiet…..


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