Tuesday, July 18, 2006

It is a little after eight Tuesday night and I have been given the night off. Taylor is in the hospital and Rob took Luke down to the inner harbor for dinner, then back to his hotel room. I drove back to DC, stopped and bought a few essentials and returned to the house.

So often when I have been in other difficult times, so many other things just seem to prevent me from being able to think much about the difficult time. For instance today Rob’s and Taylor’s beloved cat got out when the workmen were here to lay the basement carpet that has been missing since the flood a few of weeks ago. Even right now I am trying to write this and their dog is whining from her kennel. We prayed and Kitty was found. And the dog is quiet for a moment.

But in many ways those distractions are so very helpful. They keep you from thinking.

Yesterday Taylor lay with the heart monitor attached to her belly and we all listened to Little One’s perfect heartbeat….doing just what a little heart is supposed to do. Today Taylor was talking to her Mom on the phone and said that Little One was kicking at that very moment.

The men come to repair the plaster ceiling tomorrow from the new central air unit that leaked into their master bedroom from the attic a few weeks ago. The people who were to mulch the yard must have gotten too hot with the record highs the whole country seems to be having. So I guess they will be back. The lady who cleans the house should come too. The nanny will come late to keep Luke who will not be here. But she can instruct the workers who will be here while I drive back to Baltimore with mail and other things.

Then I suppose I will return to DC with Luke tomorrow night.

For now we wait…….. and cherish the moments we hear Little One’s heart beat so very normally…… and of hearing Taylor say he is moving about.

They cried to You and were saved; in You they trusted and were not disappointed.


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