Sunday, October 01, 2006

“You will know that I am the Lord…” Ezekiel 20:44

Repeatedly we see God’s almighty hand of protection in the precious life of dear Sebastian. As we all know, in hospitals errors abound. In compromised health situations all sorts of things can go wrong. As the weeks go on, we continue to see God’s omnipotent hand protect Little One.

Without going into details, suffice it to say that we thank you for your continuing prayers and earnestly ask that you continue them. Praise our mighty Lord for His loving mercy in this little life. Pray as you feel led regarding perfect hospital equipment and tests, etc. Continue to ask Him to protect Sebastian from Satan and danger and physical and emotional harm. Pray His angels will strengthen Sebastian and bring him to perfect health. Please continue to pray for Rob’s and Taylor’s wisdom, peace, and steadfastness, as well as for all who attend to this tiny baby.

Our almighty Lord has once more shown so clearly that He is the One Who holds Little One in His hands!

Eleven weeks ago today our holy Lord brought His miracle of Little One into the world!

They cried to You and were saved; in You they trusted and were not disappointed.

(I am continuing to try to post each weekend.....)


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