Monday, September 25, 2006

I came home Wednesday for a brief visit and am heading back to DC this evening. By the time I actually post this I hope to be in DC. (I am at 10:23pm)

Sebastian’s foot surgery went well. Thanks to our Lord for His protections and guidance and thanks to you for praying for dear Little One.

In the morning I plan to rush over to the hospital and lift this precious one up into my arms. As the song goes, the moments do seem like hours.

Amid oxygen and feeding and monitoring tubes and wires, I will sing to him and love him and pray for and with him. I will praise our Lord for him. I will watch his numbers on the monitors and I will hear news about him.

When I left him Wednesday, he was once again lying on the table at the same hospital where he had his surgery. His plaster casts had been sawed off and new ones were being made. This time he cried. He cried a lot. It seems good and bad to see him cry. Good in that he no longer likes being “accustomed” to such treatment. Bad in that, who likes to see a tiny one in such a situation?

Please continue to pray for his sucking and breathing and swallowing. Today Liz and I were at lunch and saw a tiny baby so effortlessly suck and breathe and swallow milk from a bottle. Pray for Sebastian's oxygen levels and his lungs to all be perfect. Pray for our Lord’s continuing healing touch upon every aspect of dear Sebastian’s being. And thank Him, thank Him, thank Him!

They cried to You and were saved; in You they trusted and were not disappointed.


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