Tuesday, June 27, 2006

It is about 10:30 pm DC time and Rob has gone to Hopkins to pick up Taylor. The docs are not super concerned about the bleeding since it has mostly stopped. But what a day it has been! Rob had one of the busiest days of his career today and has been tired, to say the least. I went to the hospital around 9:30 this morning and got back to their house around 4:30 pm. The highlight of my day was seeing Little One's face on the ultrasound. There are no words to express what I felt and I can only imagine what his mommy felt. We saw his tiny eyes, his nose, his hands, his legs....his little heart and tummy.....this miracle being woven together in his mommy's womb by our most amazing Lord and Creator!
The doc says best case scenario is Little One comes into this world crying with a few minor physical problems who will spend some time in the NICU. The worst case scenario is one born with weak lungs and a long drawn out effort to save a life that fails. BUT we are Christians and we trust our God....as the toddler devotional book I read to Luke says.... when you trust God you believe everything will be ok.


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